
Note: We are updating this page. Papers listed may be incorrect or incomplete.


Our paper

L3DAS22 Challenge: Learning 3D audio sources in a real office environment (read )

Task 1 winner 

Towards Low-Distortion Multi-Channel Speech Enhancement: The ESPNET-Se Submission to the L3DAS22 Challenge
(read )

Task 2 winner 

A Track-Wise Ensemble Event Independent Network for Polyphonic Sound Event Localization and Detection
(read )


Our paper

L3DAS22 Challenge: Learning 3D audio sources in a real office environment (read )

Task 1 winner 

Towards Low-Distortion Multi-Channel Speech Enhancement: The ESPNET-Se Submission to the L3DAS22 Challenge
(read )

Task 2 winner 

A Track-Wise Ensemble Event Independent Network for Polyphonic Sound Event Localization and Detection
(read )

Other participants

Multi-Scale Temporal Frequency Convolutional Network with Axial Attention for Multi-Channel Speech Enhancement
(read )

The PCG-AIID System for L3DAS22 Challenge: MIMO and MISO Convolutional Recurrent Network for Multi Channel Speech Enhancement and Speech Recognition
(read )

ICASSP 2022 L3DAS22 Challenge: Ensemble of Resnet-Conformers with Ambisonics Data Augmentation for Sound Event Localization and Detection
(read )

Cross-Stitch Network Based System for Sound Event Localization and Detection in L3DAS22 Challenge
(read )

Cross-Stitch Network with Adaptive Loss Weightage for Sound Event Localization and Detection
(read )

A Perceptual Loss Based Complex Neural Beamforming for Ambix 3D Speech Enhancement
(read )

L3DAS22: Exploring Loss Functions for 3D Speech Enhancement
(read )


Our paper

L3DAS21 Challenge: Machine learning for 3D audio signal processing (read )

Task 1 winner 

A Neural Beamforming Network for B-Format 3D Speech Enhancement and Recognition
(read )

Other participants

Optimizing Time Domain Fully Convolutional Networks for 3D Speech Enhancement in a Reverberant Environment Using Perceptual Losses
(read )